Terms and conditions
Grants from The Roughley Trust are offered on the following terms:
- Grants will be paid by Bank Transfer to your Account. We will ask you for proof of your Account before the payment is sent. You will either need to email us a scan of a paying in slip or to post us a paying in slip or something similar.
- You will if requested acknowledge receipt of the grant payment and confirm that the grant will only be spent for the approved purpose.
- Any deviation from the approved purpose for which the grant has been allocated must first be agreed with us. Any surplus funds not required for the approved purpose are to be refunded to us.
- If requested, you will provide us with a progress report of how the money has been spent and the success of the project.
- The grant may be withheld if we believe you have supplied false information, or your organisation becomes insolvent or goes into administration, receivership or liquidation.
- You agree that we may use your name, or photos supplied by you, in our own publicity material and a link may be included on our website to your website if you have one.
Martineau Gardens.
The Bad One, Women in Theatre.